46 #ifndef __D4D_LLD_API_H
47 #define __D4D_LLD_API_H
53 #include "d4d_user_cfg.h"
150 unsigned char (*
unsigned short x1,
unsigned short y1,
unsigned short x2,
unsigned short y2);
234 #error "You must #define symbol D4D_LLD_LCD in d4d_user_cfg.h header file"
243 #ifdef D4D_LLD_TCH_HW
void(* D4DMOUSE_SetPointer)(D4D_INDEX cnt, D4D_BOOL show)
The mouse pointer interface driver set cursor index and also visibility function. ...
Switch on the pin for read by ADC.
unsigned char(* D4DTCH_GetPositionRaw)(unsigned short *TouchPositionX, unsigned short *TouchPositionY)
The touch screen driver get raw data function.
void(* D4DLCDHW_SendDataWord)(Word value)
The LCD HW interface driver send data word function.
void(* D4DMOUSE_SetPointerBmp)(void **pPntrData, D4D_INDEX cnt, D4D_COLOR keyColor)
The mouse pointer interface driver set pointer to mouse cursors bitmaps function. ...
D4D low level standard LCD interface API structure.
unsigned char(* D4DTCH_DeInit)(void)
The touch screen driver deinitialization function.
D4D low level standard LCD Hardware interface API structure.
D4D_COLOR(* D4DLCD_Read_PixelColor)(void)
The LCD driver read pixel function. The pixels will be read on position (automaticaly incremented) se...
D4D low level mouse pointer interface API structure.
void(* D4DLCD_FlushBuffer)(D4DLCD_FLUSH_MODE mode)
The LCD driver flush function.
The notification that the end of screen is draw.
unsigned short(* D4DTCHHW_ReadTouchAxis)(D4DTCHHW_PINS pinId)
The touch screen hardware interface driver read one axis function.
Analog touch screen X- signal.
unsigned short touchOffMaxX
Maximal valid raw value of axis X.
unsigned char(* D4DTCHHW_PinCtl)(D4DTCHHW_PINS pinId, D4DHW_PIN_STATE setState)
The touch screen hardware interface driver control HW pins function.
LWord bmpFormat
The bitmap format of mouse pointer (corresponded to main eGUI internal bitmap types) ...
The flush after one basic element is draw.
D4D low level MCU types definition for analog resistive touch screen signals.
D4D low level touch screen interface API structure.
Landscape up side down orientation.
unsigned char(* D4DLCD_DeInit)(void)
The LCD driver deinicialization function.
Orientation LandScape up side down.
D4D low level mouse pointer interface API structure.
unsigned char(* D4DTCHHW_Init)(void)
The touch screen hardware interface driver initialization function.
unsigned short lcd_x_max
The resolution of LCD in axis X.
LCD device chip select signal.
unsigned short touchMinX
Minimal valid raw value of axis X.
D4D_COOR size_y
The size of omuse pointer in axis Y.
unsigned char(* D4DMOUSE_DeInit)(void)
The mouse pointer interface driver deinitialization function.
D4D low level MCU pin state enumeration type.
D4D low level eGUI flush screen types enumeration.
D4D low level MCU types definition for general LCD screen control signals.
Orientation Portrait up side down.
D4D low level frame buffer LCD interface API structure.
D4D low level frame buffer LCD interface API structure.
Word(* D4DLCDHW_ReadCmdWord)(void)
The LCD HW interface driver read command word function.
unsigned char(* D4DTCHHW_DeInit)(void)
The touch screen hardware interface driver deinitialization function.
Portrait up side down orientation.
D4D low level screen orientation enumeration type.
Type definition of eGUI coordination variables.
D4D Driver global types header file.
unsigned short touchMinY
Minimal valid raw value of axis Y.
Switch pin to input mode (equivalent to high-Z)
D4D_COOR size_x
The size of omuse pointer in axis X.
D4D low level touch screen limitation structure.
unsigned char(* D4DLCDHW_PinCtl)(D4DLCDHW_PINS pinId, D4DHW_PIN_STATE setState)
The LCD HW interface driver control HW pins function.
Switch pin to output mode.
D4D low level frame buffer description structure.
void(* D4DMOUSE_SetCoor)(unsigned short x, unsigned short y)
The mouse pointer interface driver set current coordination function.
unsigned char(* D4DLCDHW_Init)(void)
The LCD HW interface driver initialization function.
Set pin output register to logic 1.
Switch off the pin for read by ADC.
void(* D4DLCDHW_WriteData)(unsigned long addr, D4D_COLOR value)
The frame buffer LCD driver write data to buffer function.
unsigned long LWord
Type definition of LWord (unsigned 32-bit).
D4D_COLOR(* D4DLCDHW_ReadData)(unsigned long addr)
The frame buffer LCD driver read data from buffer function.
unsigned short lcd_y_max
The resolution of LCD in axis Y.
Switch on Pull Up resistor on pin.
D4D low level touch screen limitation structure.
LCD device backlight enable signal.
unsigned short rawDataScale
The scale mask of ADC convertor.
Type definition of eGUI general index variables.
unsigned char bpp_byte
The bytes per pixel.
Analog touch screen X+ signal.
void(* D4DLCDHW_SendCmdWord)(Word cmd)
The LCD HW interface driver send command word function.
unsigned char(* D4DTCH_Init)(void)
The touch screen driver initialization function.
unsigned char(* D4DLCD_SetOrientation)(D4DLCD_ORIENTATION new_orientation)
The LCD driver set orientation function.
Type definition of eGUI boolean.
The notification that the start of screen is done.
D4D low level frame buffer description structure.
Set pin output register to logic 0.
D4D low level standard LCD Hardware interface API structure.
unsigned long fb_start_addr
The address of frame buffer.
unsigned char(* D4DMOUSE_Init)(void)
The mouse pointer interface driver initialization function.
D4D low level touch screen hardware interface API structure.
unsigned short touchOffMaxY
Maximal valid raw value of axis Y.
Word(* D4DLCDHW_ReadDataWord)(void)
The LCD HW interface driver read data word function.
unsigned char(* D4DLCDHW_DeInit)(void)
The LCD HW interface driver deinicialization function.
D4D low level touch screen interface API structure.
void(* D4DLCD_Send_PixelColor)(D4D_COLOR value)
The LCD driver send pixel function. The pixels will be draw on position (automaticaly incremented) se...
D4D low level touch screen hardware interface API structure.
D4D low level mouse pointer structure.
void(* D4DLCDHW_FlushBuffer)(D4DLCD_FLUSH_MODE mode)
The LCD HW interface driver flush data function.
unsigned char(* D4DLCD_Init)(void)
The LCD driver initialization function.
Type definition of eGUI color variables.
D4D low level standard LCD interface API structure.
Switch off Pull Up resistor on pin.
unsigned short Word
Type definition of Word (unsigned 16-bit).
The notification of forcing flush by user code.
Analog touch screen Y- signal.
Analog touch screen Y+ signal.
unsigned char(* D4DLCD_SetWindow)(unsigned short x1, unsigned short y1, unsigned short x2, unsigned short y2)
The LCD driver Set logic window function. Into this logic window will be draw pixels.
void(* D4DLCD_Delay_ms)(unsigned short period)
The LCD driver delay function.