47 #if (D4D_MK_STR(D4D_LLD_TCH_HW_CRTOUCH) == d4dtchhw_crtouch_iicMqx_ID)
56 #define I2C_ACK I2C_OK
65 #define MQX_I2C_DEV "i2c0:"
signed long sLWord
Type definition of sLWord (signed 32-bit).
Byte MqxIIC_ReadByte16(I2C_WORD_BYTE regAdr, Byte *pData)
Byte MqxIIC_WriteByte16(I2C_WORD_BYTE regAdr, Byte data)
Byte MqxIIC_MultiReadBytes16(I2C_WORD_BYTE regAdr, Byte *pData, Byte cnt)
Byte MqxIIC_LookForDevice(Byte adr)
unsigned char Byte
Type definition of Byte (unsigned 8-bit).
unsigned long LWord
Type definition of LWord (unsigned 32-bit).
Byte MqxIIC_ReadArrayDelayed(Byte regAdr, Byte *pData, Byte cnt, Word attemps)
Byte MqxIIC_GetAddress(void)
Byte MqxIIC_WriteByte(Byte regAdr, Byte data)
Byte MqxIIC_ReadByte(Byte regAdr, Byte *pData)
Byte MqxIIC_MultiWriteBytes16(I2C_WORD_BYTE regAdr, Byte *pData, Byte cnt)
Byte MqxIIC_MultiWriteBytes(Byte regAdr, Byte *pData, Byte cnt)
Byte MqxIIC_MultiReadBytes(Byte regAdr, Byte *pData, Byte cnt)
unsigned short Word
Type definition of Word (unsigned 16-bit).
void MqxIIC_SetAddress(Byte address)
sLWord MqxIIC_SetBaudRate(LWord baudRate)