eGUI alias D4D  Release 3.0
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d4d.h File Reference
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#define D4D_DrawBmp(ppt, pBmp, greyScale)
#define D4D_DrawBmpXY(x, y, pBmp, greyScale)
#define D4D_DrawRBmpRect(ppt,psz, pBmp, bmpProp, colorBkgd, greyScale, radius)
#define D4D_DrawRBmp(ppt, pBmp, greyScale, radius)


D4D_BOOL D4D_Init (const D4D_SCREEN *pInitScreen)
 Function inits the eGUI itself including all low level drivers. More...
void D4D_Poll (void)
 Main eGUI function. Must be periodically called in main loop/task loop. More...
void D4D_SetOrientation (D4D_ORIENTATION orient)
 Set screen orientation function. More...
void D4D_KeysChanged (D4D_KEYS keys)
 Place to keys buffer new keys events by binary mask. More...
void D4D_NewKeyEvent (D4D_KEY_SCANCODE scanCode)
 Place to key event into key buffer. More...
void D4D_EnableSystemKeys (D4D_BOOL bEnable)
 Function enable or disable handling system keys (ESC, UP/DOWN, LEFT/RIGHT) automatically. More...
void D4D_TimeTickPut (void)
 Notify eGui about new tick tick occur. More...
void D4D_FlushOutput (void)
 Function force flush output to LCD. More...
D4D_POINT D4D_GetTouchScreenCoordinates (D4D_OBJECT *pObject)
void D4D_CheckTouchScreen (void)
void D4D_PutTouchScreen (D4D_BOOL touched, D4D_COOR x, D4D_COOR y)
void D4D_PutRawTouchScreen (D4D_BOOL touched, D4D_COOR x, D4D_COOR y)
void D4D_ClearTouchScreenEvents (void)
void D4D_CalibrateTouchScreen (void)
D4D_TOUCHSCREEN_CALIB D4D_GetTouchScreenCalibration (void)
void D4D_SetTouchScreenCalibration (D4D_TOUCHSCREEN_CALIB newCalib)
D4D_OBJECT_PTR D4D_GetFocusedObject (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
 The function returns pointer to object that is focused in given screen. More...
void D4D_FocusSet (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_OBJECT_PTR pObject)
 The function set the obejct focus to new object. More...
void D4D_FocusNextObject (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_BOOL bInitialSearch)
 The function change focus to the next object in the given screen. More...
void D4D_FocusPrevObject (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
 The function change focus to the previous object in the given screen. More...
D4D_CLR_SCHEMED4D_ObjectGetScheme (D4D_OBJECT *pObj)
 Function return the pointer to current use object scheme of object. More...
D4D_CLR_SCHEMED4D_ScreenGetScheme (D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
D4D_CLR_SCHEMED4D_GetDefaultScheme (void)
 Function return the pointer to default color scheme. More...
void D4D_SetDefaultScheme (D4D_CLR_SCHEME *pScheme)
 Function sets the new default color scheme. More...
D4D_COLOR D4D_ObjectGetForeColor (D4D_OBJECT *pObj, D4D_OBJECT_DRAWFLAGS draw)
 Function return object current fore color. More...
D4D_COLOR D4D_ObjectGetBckgColor (D4D_OBJECT *pObj, D4D_OBJECT_DRAWFLAGS draw)
 Function return object current background color. More...
D4D_COLOR D4D_ObjectGetForeFillColor (D4D_OBJECT *pObj)
 Function return object current fill fore color. More...
D4D_COLOR D4D_ObjectGetBckgFillColor (D4D_OBJECT *pObj)
 Function return object current fill background color. More...
void D4D_ClearKeysBuffer (void)
 Clear all rest information about pushed Keys in buffer. More...
void D4D_ClearScreen (D4D_COLOR color)
 Function readraw complete screen by one color. More...
D4D_POINT D4D_SwapCoor (D4D_POINT point)
 Function swap the point coordination. More...
void D4D_DrawRBmpXY (D4D_COOR x, D4D_COOR y, const D4D_BMP *pBmp, D4D_BOOL greyScale, D4D_COOR radius)
 Function draw the bitmap on the specify coordination. More...
void D4D_DrawBmpRect (D4D_POINT *ppt, D4D_SIZE *psz, const D4D_BMP *pBmp, D4D_BMP_PROPERTIES bmpProp, D4D_COLOR colorBkgd, D4D_BOOL greyScale)
 Function draw the bitmap on the specify coordination into rectangle. More...
D4D_SIZE D4D_GetBmpSize (const D4D_BMP *pBmp)
 Function gets information about bitmap size. More...
D4D_COOR D4D_GetBmpWidth (const D4D_BMP *pBmp)
 Function gets information about bitmap width. More...
D4D_COOR D4D_GetBmpHeight (const D4D_BMP *pBmp)
 Function gets information about bitmap height. More...
int D4D_GetBmpHeader (D4D_BMP *pBmp, void *pBuff, int max_size)
 Function gets image file header. More...
void D4D_SetText (D4D_OBJECT_PTR pObject, D4D_TCHAR *pText)
 The function change the text in main object text buffer. More...
void D4D_SetTextProperties (D4D_OBJECT_PTR pObject, D4D_TEXT_PROPERTIES property)
 Function sets object text properties. More...
void D4D_SetFontProperties (D4D_OBJECT_PTR pObject, D4D_FONT_PROPERTIES property)
 Function sets object text font properties. More...
D4D_INDEX D4D_GetTextLength (D4D_TCHAR *pText)
 The function returns lenght of text. More...
D4D_COOR D4D_GetTextWidth (D4D_FONT ix, D4D_TCHAR *pText)
 The function returns width of text in pixels. More...
D4D_COOR D4D_GetTextBuffWidthTab (D4D_STRING *text_buffer, D4D_TAB *pTab)
 The function returns width of text in pixels, also with tab table. More...
D4D_INDEX D4D_GetTextMaxLength (D4D_STRING *pString, D4D_COOR maxWidth)
 The function find out the maximal text length that fits to maximal pixel width. More...
Byte D4D_SprintDecU8 (Byte val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
 The function convert decimal unsigned 8 bit number to string. More...
Byte D4D_SprintDecS8 (sByte val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
 The function convert decimal signed 8 bit number to string. More...
Byte D4D_SprintDecU16 (Word val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
 The function convert decimal unsigned 16 bit number to string. More...
Byte D4D_SprintDecS16 (sWord val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
 The function convert decimal signed 16 bit number to string. More...
Byte D4D_SprintDecU32 (LWord val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
 The function convert decimal unsigned 32 bit number to string. More...
Byte D4D_SprintDecS32 (sLWord val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
 The function convert decimal signed 32 bit number to string. More...
D4D_COLOR D4D_GetCrossColor (D4D_COLOR startColor, D4D_COLOR endColor, Byte value)
 Compute cross color between two basic color in 256 steps. More...
D4D_COLOR D4D_GetGreyScale (D4D_COLOR color)
 Compute the grayscale color. More...
D4D_COOR D4D_GetLongerSide (D4D_SIZE *pSz)
 Function returns longer side of size structure. More...

Detailed Description

D4D Driver main header file.

Michal hanak, Petr Gargulak

Definition in file d4d.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define D4D_DrawBmp (   ppt,

Definition at line 181 of file d4d.h.

#define D4D_DrawBmpXY (   x,

Definition at line 182 of file d4d.h.

#define D4D_DrawRBmp (   ppt,

Definition at line 192 of file d4d.h.

#define D4D_DrawRBmpRect (   ppt,

Definition at line 188 of file d4d.h.

Function Documentation

void D4D_CalibrateTouchScreen ( void  )
void D4D_CheckTouchScreen ( void  )
void D4D_ClearTouchScreenEvents ( void  )
D4D_TOUCHSCREEN_CALIB D4D_GetTouchScreenCalibration ( void  )
D4D_POINT D4D_GetTouchScreenCoordinates ( D4D_OBJECT pObject)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void D4D_PutRawTouchScreen ( D4D_BOOL  touched,
D4D_COOR  x,
D4D_COOR  y 
void D4D_PutTouchScreen ( D4D_BOOL  touched,
D4D_COOR  x,
D4D_COOR  y 
D4D_CLR_SCHEME* D4D_ScreenGetScheme ( D4D_SCREEN pScreen)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void D4D_SetTouchScreenCalibration ( D4D_TOUCHSCREEN_CALIB  newCalib)