65 #include "d4d_user_cfg.h"
144 #define D4D_GetTouchScreenCoordinates(pObject) ((D4D_POINT)d4d_point_zero)
145 #define D4D_CheckTouchScreen()
146 #define D4D_PutTouchScreen(touched, x, y)
147 #define D4D_PutRawTouchScreen(touched, x, y)
148 #define D4D_ClearTouchScreenEvents()
149 #define D4D_CalibrateTouchScreen()
150 #define D4D_SetTouchScreenCalibration(newCalib)
151 #define D4D_GetTouchScreenCalibration() ((D4D_TOUCHSCREEN_CALIB){ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 })
181 #define D4D_DrawBmp( ppt, pBmp, greyScale) D4D_DrawRBmpXY((ppt)->x, (ppt)->y, pBmp, greyScale, 0)
182 #define D4D_DrawBmpXY(x, y, pBmp, greyScale) D4D_DrawRBmpXY(x, y, pBmp, greyScale, 0)
188 #define D4D_DrawRBmpRect(ppt, psz, pBmp, bmpProp, colorBkgd, greyScale, radius) D4D_DrawBmpRect(ppt, psz, pBmp, bmpProp, colorBkgd, greyScale)
192 #define D4D_DrawRBmp( ppt, pBmp, greyScale, radius) D4D_DrawRBmpXY((ppt)->x, (ppt)->y, pBmp, greyScale, radius)
D4D_COLOR D4D_GetCrossColor(D4D_COLOR startColor, D4D_COLOR endColor, Byte value)
Compute cross color between two basic color in 256 steps.
D4D Driver check box object header file.
Function return object current background color.
Type definition of eGUI character (it depends on UNICODE setting if this is D4D_CHAR or D4D_WCHAR)...
D4D Driver mouse functions header file.
D4D_COLOR D4D_ObjectGetBckgFillColor(D4D_OBJECT *pObj)
Function return object current fill background color.
Function return object current fore color.
D4D Driver label object header file.
signed long sLWord
Type definition of sLWord (signed 32-bit).
Type definition of eGUI touch screen calibration structure.
Type definition of eGUI point structure.
D4D Driver strings header file.
The string type. This structure contains all properties about string in eGUI.
D4D Driver label object header file.
D4D_COLOR D4D_ObjectGetForeFillColor(D4D_OBJECT *pObj)
Function return object current fill fore color.
D4D Driver editBox object header file.
D4D_POINT D4D_SwapCoor(D4D_POINT point)
Function swap the point coordination.
D4D Driver math helper functions header file.
int D4D_GetBmpHeader(D4D_BMP *pBmp, void *pBuff, int max_size)
Function gets image file header.
D4D_BMP_PROPERTIES type of image properties.
Type definition of eGUI keys - this is obsolete type that is kept just only for backward compatibilit...
D4D Driver extscr helper functions header file.
D4D Driver fonts header file.
D4D_POINT D4D_GetTouchScreenCoordinates(D4D_OBJECT *pObject)
D4D Driver object functions header file.
D4D Driver icon object header file.
D4D_BOOL D4D_Init(const D4D_SCREEN *pInitScreen)
Function inits the eGUI itself including all low level drivers.
void D4D_SetOrientation(D4D_ORIENTATION orient)
Set screen orientation function.
void D4D_CalibrateTouchScreen(void)
D4D_INDEX D4D_GetTextMaxLength(D4D_STRING *pString, D4D_COOR maxWidth)
The function find out the maximal text length that fits to maximal pixel width.
D4D Driver listBox object header file.
void D4D_ClearScreen(D4D_COLOR color)
Function readraw complete screen by one color.
D4D_TOUCHSCREEN_CALIB D4D_GetTouchScreenCalibration(void)
void D4D_PutRawTouchScreen(D4D_BOOL touched, D4D_COOR x, D4D_COOR y)
D4D Driver label object header file.
D4D_COOR D4D_GetBmpHeight(const D4D_BMP *pBmp)
Function gets information about bitmap height.
D4D Driver comboBox object header file.
void D4D_DrawBmpRect(D4D_POINT *ppt, D4D_SIZE *psz, const D4D_BMP *pBmp, D4D_BMP_PROPERTIES bmpProp, D4D_COLOR colorBkgd, D4D_BOOL greyScale)
Function draw the bitmap on the specify coordination into rectangle.
void D4D_ClearKeysBuffer(void)
Clear all rest information about pushed Keys in buffer.
D4D_COOR D4D_GetTextBuffWidthTab(D4D_STRING *text_buffer, D4D_TAB *pTab)
The function returns width of text in pixels, also with tab table.
void D4D_NewKeyEvent(D4D_KEY_SCANCODE scanCode)
Place to key event into key buffer.
Byte D4D_SprintDecU32(LWord val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
The function convert decimal unsigned 32 bit number to string.
This is the main structure of the color scheme in the D4D. It contains all the necessary colors to ru...
D4D Driver core and base functions header file.
Type definition of eGUI display orientation.
The string text properties type. The masks are described here D4D BASE Defines masks of aligment prop...
void D4D_FocusNextObject(const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_BOOL bInitialSearch)
The function change focus to the next object in the given screen.
Type definition of eGUI coordination variables.
D4D driver bmp decoder header file.
D4D Driver global types header file.
#define D4D_DrawRBmpRect(ppt,psz, pBmp, bmpProp, colorBkgd, greyScale, radius)
unsigned char Byte
Type definition of Byte (unsigned 8-bit).
void D4D_FocusPrevObject(const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
The function change focus to the previous object in the given screen.
D4D_CLR_SCHEME * D4D_ScreenGetScheme(D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
Byte D4D_SprintDecS8(sByte val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
The function convert decimal signed 8 bit number to string.
D4D Driver gauge object header file.
void D4D_FocusSet(const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_OBJECT_PTR pObject)
The function set the obejct focus to new object.
void D4D_CheckTouchScreen(void)
D4D_INDEX D4D_GetTextLength(D4D_TCHAR *pText)
The function returns lenght of text.
void D4D_SetTextProperties(D4D_OBJECT_PTR pObject, D4D_TEXT_PROPERTIES property)
Function sets object text properties.
D4D_CLR_SCHEME * D4D_ObjectGetScheme(D4D_OBJECT *pObj)
Function return the pointer to current use object scheme of object.
D4D Driver progress_bar object header file.
unsigned long LWord
Type definition of LWord (unsigned 32-bit).
void D4D_SetDefaultScheme(D4D_CLR_SCHEME *pScheme)
Function sets the new default color scheme.
D4D_BMP eGUI main image structure.
void D4D_DrawRBmpXY(D4D_COOR x, D4D_COOR y, const D4D_BMP *pBmp, D4D_BOOL greyScale, D4D_COOR radius)
Function draw the bitmap on the specify coordination.
D4D_OBJECT_PTR D4D_GetFocusedObject(const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
The function returns pointer to object that is focused in given screen.
D4D driver low level graphic function header file.
signed short sWord
Type definition of sWord (signed 16-bit).
void D4D_PutTouchScreen(D4D_BOOL touched, D4D_COOR x, D4D_COOR y)
D4D Driver slider object header file.
D4D Driver color scheme header file.
Type definition of eGUI tabulation structure.
D4D_CLR_SCHEME * D4D_GetDefaultScheme(void)
Function return the pointer to default color scheme.
Type definition of eGUI general index variables.
The object main structure type definition.
signed char sByte
Type definition of sByte (signed 8-bit).
Byte D4D_SprintDecS32(sLWord val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
The function convert decimal signed 32 bit number to string.
D4D_COOR D4D_GetBmpWidth(const D4D_BMP *pBmp)
Function gets information about bitmap width.
Byte D4D_SprintDecS16(sWord val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
The function convert decimal signed 16 bit number to string.
void D4D_KeysChanged(D4D_KEYS keys)
Place to keys buffer new keys events by binary mask.
void D4D_TimeTickPut(void)
Notify eGui about new tick tick occur.
void D4D_Poll(void)
Main eGUI function. Must be periodically called in main loop/task loop.
Type definition of eGUI boolean.
void D4D_FlushOutput(void)
Function force flush output to LCD.
Byte D4D_SprintDecU8(Byte val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
The function convert decimal unsigned 8 bit number to string.
Type definition of eGUI size structure.
D4D driver screen header file.
void D4D_EnableSystemKeys(D4D_BOOL bEnable)
Function enable or disable handling system keys (ESC, UP/DOWN, LEFT/RIGHT) automatically.
D4D_COOR D4D_GetTextWidth(D4D_FONT ix, D4D_TCHAR *pText)
The function returns width of text in pixels.
D4D_SIZE D4D_GetBmpSize(const D4D_BMP *pBmp)
Function gets information about bitmap size.
void D4D_SetTouchScreenCalibration(D4D_TOUCHSCREEN_CALIB newCalib)
The screen structure type. The main screen structure that contains all needed data to run the eGUI sc...
D4D Driver graph object header file.
void D4D_SetFontProperties(D4D_OBJECT_PTR pObject, D4D_FONT_PROPERTIES property)
Function sets object text font properties.
D4D Driver core and base functions header file.
Type definition of eGUI keys scan code.
Drawing object flags type, handled to object in D4D_MSG_DRAW events.
Type definition of eGUI color variables.
Byte D4D_SprintDecU16(Word val, D4D_TCHAR *pText, D4D_TCHAR fill)
The function convert decimal unsigned 16 bit number to string.
void D4D_SetText(D4D_OBJECT_PTR pObject, D4D_TCHAR *pText)
The function change the text in main object text buffer.
D4D_COLOR D4D_GetGreyScale(D4D_COLOR color)
Compute the grayscale color.
D4D Driver picture object header file.
void D4D_ClearTouchScreenEvents(void)
D4D_COOR D4D_GetLongerSide(D4D_SIZE *pSz)
Function returns longer side of size structure.
unsigned short Word
Type definition of Word (unsigned 16-bit).
D4D Driver groupBox object header file.