eGUI alias D4D  Release 3.0
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d4d_screen.c File Reference
Include dependency graph for d4d_screen.c:


static D4D_COOR D4D_GetScrHeaderTitleOffset (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
static D4D_BOOL D4D_GetScrHeaderExitBtnCoor (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_POINT *resultPos, D4D_SIZE *resultSize)
static void D4D_DrawScreenNC (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_BOOL active)
static D4D_OBJECTD4D_FindObject (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_OBJECT_PTR pObject)
static void D4D_ChangeScreen (const D4D_SCREEN *pNewScreen, D4D_SCREEN *pOldScreen)
D4D_SCREEND4D_GetActiveScreen (void)
 Returns pointer to current active screen. More...
void D4D_ActivateScreen (const D4D_SCREEN *pNewScreen, D4D_BOOL bReplaceCurrent)
 The function activate the new screen. More...
void D4D_EscapeScreen (void)
 The function return to previous screen recorded in the history. More...
void D4D_EscapeToBaseScreen (void)
 The function return to base screen recorded in the history. More...
void D4D_InitScreen (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
 The function inits the screen and its objects for first time case. More...
void D4D_InvalidateScreen (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_BOOL bComplete)
 The function mark the screen and its abject as "redraw pending". More...
D4D_OBJECT_PTR D4D_GetFocusedObject (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
 The function returns pointer to object that is focused in given screen. More...
void D4D_FocusNextObject (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_BOOL bInitialSearch)
 The function change focus to the next object in the given screen. More...
void D4D_FocusPrevObject (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
 The function change focus to the previous object in the given screen. More...
void D4D_FocusSet (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_OBJECT_PTR pObject)
 The function set the obejct focus to new object. More...
void D4D_SetScreenFontProperties (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_FONT_PROPERTIES property)
 The function sets the screen font properties. More...
void D4D_SetScreenTextProperties (const D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_TEXT_PROPERTIES property)
 The function sets the screen text properties. More...
D4D_POINT D4D_GetClientToScreenPoint (D4D_OBJECT *pObject, D4D_POINT *nClientPoint)
 The function convert client point on the screen to the global screen point. More...
D4D_POINT D4D_GetScreenToClientPoint (D4D_OBJECT *pObject, D4D_POINT *nScreenPoint)
 The function convert global screen point on the screen to the client point. More...
D4D_BOOL D4D_ScrCheckCoor (D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_POINT *point)
 The function check if the coordination are in screen area. More...
D4D_OBJECTD4D_GetLastObject (D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
 The function returns the pointer to last object in the screen. More...
D4D_COOR D4D_GetScrHeaderSize (D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
static void D4D_RedrawScreenObject (D4D_OBJECT *pObject, D4D_BOOL complete)
void D4D_RedrawScreen (D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
void D4D_HandleTimeTicks (D4D_SCREEN *pScreen)
D4D_BOOL D4D_ScrCheckExitBtnCoor (D4D_SCREEN *pScreen, D4D_POINT *point)


D4D_MARGIN d4d_screenMarginDflt

Detailed Description

D4D driver screen functions c file.

Petr Gargulak

Definition in file d4d_screen.c.

Function Documentation

static void D4D_ChangeScreen ( const D4D_SCREEN pNewScreen,
D4D_SCREEN pOldScreen 

Change the active screen

Definition at line 702 of file d4d_screen.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void D4D_DrawScreenNC ( const D4D_SCREEN pScreen,
D4D_BOOL  active 

Redraw non client screen area - Header, background, title, etc.

Definition at line 864 of file d4d_screen.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static D4D_OBJECT * D4D_FindObject ( const D4D_SCREEN pScreen,
D4D_OBJECT_PTR  pObject 

Find object's index

Definition at line 676 of file d4d_screen.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

D4D_OBJECT* D4D_GetLastObject ( D4D_SCREEN pScreen)

The function returns the pointer to last object in the screen.

pScreen- the pointer to screen
pointer to last screen object
It's useful if the last object should be find

Definition at line 656 of file d4d_screen.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static D4D_BOOL D4D_GetScrHeaderExitBtnCoor ( const D4D_SCREEN pScreen,
D4D_POINT resultPos,
D4D_SIZE resultSize 

Compute position of exit button on screen header title

Definition at line 818 of file d4d_screen.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

D4D_COOR D4D_GetScrHeaderSize ( D4D_SCREEN pScreen)

Compute size of screen header

Definition at line 767 of file d4d_screen.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static D4D_COOR D4D_GetScrHeaderTitleOffset ( const D4D_SCREEN pScreen)

Compute offset of screen header title

Definition at line 795 of file d4d_screen.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void D4D_HandleTimeTicks ( D4D_SCREEN pScreen)

Handle the timeticks events of eGUI

Definition at line 1107 of file d4d_screen.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void D4D_RedrawScreen ( D4D_SCREEN pScreen)

Redraw the screen based on redraw flags

Definition at line 1058 of file d4d_screen.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void D4D_RedrawScreenObject ( D4D_OBJECT pObject,
D4D_BOOL  complete 

Redraw all objects that need it on given screen

Definition at line 995 of file d4d_screen.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

D4D_BOOL D4D_ScrCheckExitBtnCoor ( D4D_SCREEN pScreen,
D4D_POINT point 

Check if the coordination are in range of exit button

Definition at line 1134 of file d4d_screen.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

D4D_MARGIN d4d_screenMarginDflt

Definition at line 59 of file d4d_screen.c.